Saturday, July 17, 2010

Lillith Of The Valley

Lillith of the Valley

"Your Purpose"

Most of us fight an ongoing battle in our minds about our body image. We wish our bodies would look a certain way, we'd like to maintain a certain weight, and none of us like to see ourselves when we are controlled by our cravings. In order to win this war with our weight, we need to set our minds on our royal call, not on our cravings. Our diet need to be about our desire to honor our King, not about denying ourselves certain foods.

My example is excellent for you to follow ......... My desire to become Queen was not about myself; it was for the purpose of glorifying my King and ultimately saving my people. I did not need to be the prettiest in the land to feel good about who I was. I was on a mission to win the King's heart so she could save her people.

Can you imagine if your purpose for being all depended on doing your best to show your soul mate, your twin brother, your future King how much you love him by taking care of his Temple, (which I did), and deal with all the battles that he and I set for ourselves and still have the energy to save the lost. Our true love for each other and honesty that I always gave him would create legacy for the next generation......

Here are two things that I, Lillith, ask of you, so pay close attention...........

I. Don't you know that you yourselves are Lillith's temple and that Lillith's Spirit lives in you? If anyone destroys Lillith's temple, Lillith will destroy him/her for you or if that person is you then that means you...........for Lillith's temple is sacred, and you are that temple.

II. Children, pray everyday (anytime you feel necessary and be specific), and I will do my best to answer you in all respects so that you may prosper and be in good health, happy, and prosper, for every time you pray your soul prospers ...... in other words always have faith in Lillith.

And in closing out this lesson for today I want you to pray that Lillith prepares your heart, your mind, and your spirit to experience Her touch like never before and enjoy the journey towards a new life................ the abundant life you were destined to live !!!!


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